The 2015 Elections and Beyond: My Expectations For Nigeria.
Nigeria, known for her diverse tribes, cultures and languages has managed to rise as a country and a member of Africa’s large family. One of the most enviable things Nigeria possesses is her bond and unity. Aside from her natural resources, she serves as a link to other African countries extending an arm of friendship and brotherliness to countries overseas. Over the years, Nigeria has boasted of her security and government, elections where citizens could attest to the fact that their voices were heard and their votes counted. Abraham Lincoln’s definition of democracy was so emphasized that even a new born babe could define it.
In recent times, we have had so much bad news that the whole country is always expectant of bad news. First, it was the various bombings, then the kidnappings - most especially the heartbreaking kidnapping of the Chibok Girls who are still nowhere to be found. The 2015 elections are around the corner and citizens nationwide clasp their hands together in silent whisperings of prayers, praying for a peaceful election; an election which is free and fair, an election where there will be no bloodshed, an election where we can actually go out and vote. Not an election where the electorates do not get to vote for fear of death, or an election where expectations of rigging are nursed, of course not an election where a certain tribe votes for a particular candidate because the candidate is from such tribe, not an election where the powerful and affluent win.
The Nigeria in our minds is a place where children can go out to play without fear, where elders tell them folklores under the mango tree. A Nigeria where youths can afford an education and graduate with jobs waiting for them, where their parents are no longer scared of them serving their nation in certain parts of the country. Where our youths do not have to pay for political corruption in the country with their lives, neither would they have the mindset that it is imperative to leave the country to be pioneers in life. The citizens are not asking for much, just a nation where the Doctors’ Association do not go on strike all the time. A nation where bail is actually free and we can rely on the security apparatus of the government to safeguard our lives and properties.
 Sure enough, different tribes must agree that they all want to live in peace and religion is not an issue to any of them. Where Christians can decide to go to the northern areas and Muslims can visit the Delta parts without anxiety. A Nigeria where most of our food are produced locally and can be validated as healthy and safe. On the exporter's list Nigeria being one of the top exporting countries in the world, where our Naira is not devalued against other currencies but instead, growing in strength. The citizens’ hope for a nation where they can get ten litres of fuel with five hundred naira, where ten naira is seen as a lot of money and the economy is not closer to bankruptcy.
It is not much to ask for the best infrastructures, to be able to perform minor surgeries in the nation without flying the patient out of the country. Good roads that are not graced with pot holes which are the accomplices of accidents. Government officials that actually do their job and do not go after bribes all the time, ignoring our safety and chasing the money; rather, officials whose main priorities are our safety. For our children to be able to go to school and get good education, not where kids get pregnant and marry younger than normal. Nor government workers who are not dedicated to the civil service but are interested in lining their pockets.
In essence, Nigerians don't want to have to export their crude oil overseas, when they can build refineries and refine it themselves. A Nigeria with clean roads and markets, where each house in the nation has a prepaid meter and enjoys uninterrupted power supply, the luxury of pipe borne water, good drainage and sewage systems that will not harbour germs destructive to human health. A Nation without violence, corruption, crimes, bribery and hatred, but a Nation where we can all inhabit in joy that has no strife, in peace and in comfortability.


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