Zero Doubts

Hi guys, how are you doing and how has been our day. Hmmm, I'm trying my best to be excited but God will take control. Anyways, my Bible verse for you today is;

Luke 5:5

And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

The thing I know about Peter is

He is a talkative 

He is a professional fisherman. 

So when Jesus told him to drop down the  net, he could have said "well Jesus, based on logistics and experience fishes don't come out during the day, maybe one or two unlucky ones but never a draught. Another thing is we've been at it since yesterday night and we haven't gotten anything so how your own take be?" I've imagined that Peter could have said all that but he simply acknowledged how fruitless his efforts had been because it was not rooted in the Word and then 'at thy Word I will let down the net'. 

Many of us have exhibited efforts in futility because we fail to plant such efforts in God's Word. However, that's not where I'm aiming for today. My aim is no matter what the facts are based on whether logistics, experience, assumptions or precision. Your fact cannot stand against the Word of God, once God gives that instruction; it doesn't matter how many times you tried it and failed. Your mind, trust and faith must be stayed on Christ. 

Whatever He says should be the standard for you, I understand how you feel. You've toiled all night like Peter, some of us have toiled for so many years and yet no result but trust me, if He gives the instructions don't doubt it. Launch in like its your first attempt. See when God wants to show up big, He shows up late (according to your own time sha). All you need for that massive breakthrough is a gigantic act of obedience. So I implore us all, don't doubt God. Obey Him and your life will be a whiff of heaven.

I love you all.

Trust God, He never fails.

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen


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