Double Entry
Alright, so I'm stuck again but not for long. Anyways, I feel like a whiz after yesterday's post because seriously I got to hang out with Isaac Newton and I also propounded a law. So hey! I'm beginning to think more on furthering my studies. Let's leave the sciences for now and move into my forte. My law today is that of the double entry in accounting which states "that for every debit entry there must be a corresponding credit entry and vice versa", okay lemme use that same line that Jesus said 'if someone slaps you show him the other cheek so he can balance the equation. However, the first slap that was given and the fact that you received it has already balanced the equation, so double entry might not too much agree with the words that Jesus spoke here, you see lemme speak English here, it means for every giving there must be a receiving and for every receiving there must be a giving. So we know it involves two accounts, that is, if you give me a...