
Showing posts from October, 2019

Double Entry

Alright, so I'm stuck again but not for long. Anyways, I feel like a whiz after yesterday's post because seriously I got to hang out with Isaac Newton and I also propounded a law. So hey! I'm beginning to think more on furthering my studies. Let's leave the sciences for now and move into my forte. My law today is that of the double entry in accounting which states "that for every debit entry there must be a corresponding credit entry and vice versa", okay lemme use that same line that Jesus said 'if someone slaps you show him the other cheek so he can balance the equation. However, the first slap that was given and the fact that you received it has already balanced the equation, so double entry might not too much agree with the words that Jesus spoke here, you see lemme speak English here, it means for every giving there must be a receiving and for every receiving there must be a giving. So we know it involves two accounts, that is, if you give me a...

Applying Physics

Hola amigos!  Como ha sido tu día? Yeah I'm trying to refresh my Spanish prowess, so bear with me please. So I'm no longer stuck on the movie probably because I realized yesterday that I was stuck on it. Moving on to better things. Today I want to talk about one of the laws of Isaac Newton (respect baba), and its the third one. I'm paraphrasing so science students go easy on me. It states that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". I'm sure this man was not looking at it from the angle where Jesus said 'if your brother asks for your jacket, remove all your clothes and dash him and if he slaps you on one cheek, suggest he slap the other cheek so everything can be balanced'. (Twas something in those lines sha), anyways in my own area of discussion today I've propounded my own, laws of Icequeen which states that "in the aspect of giving, for every action there is a greater multiplied reaction". Lemme give you an ins...


H i guys, happy new week. So I've been stuck on a movie (am I vain because of that?), which has taught me so much more than what I had learnt from a year of schooling and studying books. Seriously now I know a lot about medicine and criminal investigation. Well that's not what I came here to type about, today I'll be typing on something I brooded on in church (I have to confess I'm sometimes no focused). Genesis 22:2   Amplified Bible (AMP) God said, “Take now your son, your only son [of  [ a ] promise], whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of  [ b ] Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” Okay so I know we all have a general idea of what this scenario above was about. It's around the fact that God was testing the obedience and faith of Abraham (yeah I get that one). But I implore you to view it from my perspective, the perspective of God moving Abraham away from home, remember he didn't info...

Prosperity 101

I'm more than exposed to the truth of prosperity. I've discovered that when God blesses a man, nothing can stop him, well except the man himself. Not his location, status or background. Kind of reminds me of  Bro Jo, you know him na, the legendary dreamer that couldn't keep his mouth shut and relayed his dream to his enemies, who in turn sold him to slavery to Potiphar's house. The Bible recorded that even as a slave Bro Jo still prospered and everything he laid his hands upon prospered as well. Excuse me oh, but somethings are abinibi and others are ability, but for Bro Jo's case, his was Abinibi (now spiritual people camdan, when I say abinibi I mean as a result of Christ's rebirth in Him, not by ability or one + thing). God even blessed this guy to the point that even when that olosho (that Potiphar married) tried to steal his destiny and our Bro did the wise thing by japaaing (1 Thess 5:22) yet he landed in KiriKiri, even then my guy still prospered. As ...


I'm recalling one of my favorite posts ever today that might not be remembered in the history of memoirs. So I discovered something, did you know that God will not create anything again. Lemme explain, during the course of creation God thoughtfully created everything. God doesn't make mistakes, so all you need is already available to you, your own job is to utilize it. Come closer, God gave you brains. Don't ask God to make a way, the way is already there, its you that needs to work on it. I know you'll disagree but see I discovered that all the roads we see now were probably forests. Someone used initiative to clear it. I believe in the song "You've made a way" don't get me wrong, but also understand me. God said He will make your crooked ways straight. So it means God agrees there's a way, you come in when you realize the way is bushy, crooked or not thoroughfare and ask for His help to clear it. Of course Pastor says 'God will mak...

Pros and Cons

Hi guys, so basically I've been having issues with the site which has derailed me from posting for a while, I hope that it is fully resolved and you can enjoy your blog experience. So I was reading through my Bible study, I missed some days because YouVersion kept having difficulty loading my Study Plan. Anyways, I'm catching up, however, I went through the whole Deuteronomy where Unku Moses was giving us his last will and testament and I got to Deut 28, I'm so conversant with this chapter of the Bible that I decided to breeze through it, well whilst I was doing that, I got an inclination to slow down and read it slowly with fresh eyes. It was like 'forget what you know about it and read it, study well'. Normally, in Bible study, questions arise and a lot arose in my head. God offered us rules and said to obey, now for every choice there are pros and cons. For you to decide on something the pros must always outweigh the cons. So Deut 28 highlights the pros and c...

Living Right

Hello guys, so I got so many personal comments on yesterday's posts (turns out most of my readers are shy or something). Wait I didn't say you should be pessimistic or that you should be planning for your death oh (although that's not a bad idea), I just meant understand that to die is inevitable and the only way you can escape it is if you are alive at the second coming of Christ and you get raptured (as a friend pointed out). I didn't also mean that I was gonna die soon, cos some people thought boya God has shown me my ojo iku. So today lets do some truth about living. A lot of us have said that living a righteous life isn't easy, it stifles you, it prevents your creativity,  I know what you mean. I mean remaining celibate whilst in a relationship (haba, body no be firewood), or enjoying some songs but being torn cos the artiste is not a gospel musician, I also understand that some of our Pastors are not making things better, I was discussing with a friend re...

Death Day

Hi guys, so what I'm gonna be speaking or typing about is something most of us don't usually think about. A popular musician once said in one of his songs that 'nobody wants to die but we all want to go to heaven'. As much as that is just a song, its also the truth, I've heard people ask questions like "what scares you the most?" and most times (I mean like 80%) reply with "death". Now, I'm always wondering, everything in this life isn't certain, like you can't guarantee anything anything, because everything is subject to change. However, join me to think on this, the only thing that doesn't change is the fact that death is coming for us all. I mean the physical death oh, before some people will start saying God forbid and be binding me upandan. Death is the most certain thing in our lives, its the only constant and here's what the Bible says about it: Ecclesiastes 7:4   The Message (MSG) Sages invest themselves in hurt a...


I know I wrote a few days ago about not having a back-up plan. Now even in the midst of that, we all still need to have a back up plan. Like when you've prayed and fasted and the results are not forthcoming, you need a back-up plan, even after using your back-up which probably is praise and worship and it yields no answers then you need a fall back on plan. Yeah, I know I typed not having any other side whatever but sometimes the above takes a lot of time and waiting might be detrimental, so I have a suggestion for a suitable back-up plan which is when you've prayed and fasted and there are no results pray more, pray based on the Word, pray according to His will and when even praise isn't productive praise the more, praise with a seed, praise without expectation, praise because you dunno any other way. Oh wait! You were expecting me to give you the address of  one side babalawo shey? Well the only details I have are below: Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that ...

No Back-Up Plan

Happy new month, happy independence! I know it seems like there's nothing good about this country but always look at the upside, you're alive and free and no matter how bad things are God keeps helping you. So be grateful! In this spirit of optimism, my last week was a mumbo jumbo of emotions, I was just somehow cos a lotta things were hitting me hard but then I started the new month with optimism and then it seemed like good news began to chase me upandan. It got to a point I had to goan disturb one of my friends that I don't usually disturb, why? well its because he's my powerbank. It's only desperate times that I call for his help. So you need friends like that, friends that can help you stand in the Lord when you feel weak.  Not deviating, actually my powerbank didn't do much (to be sincere ion even think he prayed for me). What I'm sure of is that I prayed for myself and even though I was weak, I realized that I had no back-up plan. No side babalawo...