
I'm recalling one of my favorite posts ever today that might not be remembered in the history of memoirs.

So I discovered something, did you know that God will not create anything again. Lemme explain, during the course of creation God thoughtfully created everything. God doesn't make mistakes, so all you need is already available to you, your own job is to utilize it.

Come closer, God gave you brains. Don't ask God to make a way, the way is already there, its you that needs to work on it. I know you'll disagree but see I discovered that all the roads we see now were probably forests. Someone used initiative to clear it.

I believe in the song "You've made a way" don't get me wrong, but also understand me. God said He will make your crooked ways straight. So it means God agrees there's a way, you come in when you realize the way is bushy, crooked or not thoroughfare and ask for His help to clear it. Of course Pastor says 'God will make a way for you, where there seems to be no way'. SEEMS in this context means that probably you can't see the way but there is a way. So lemme help you out, you need to pray the Ephesians 1:18 prayer, that your eyes of understanding being enlightened to see the way and make efforts in its clearing. You claim to be a child of the Spirit, well a child of the Spirit sees possibilities when others see impossibilities, sees a way where others see a block or a forest.

Now lemme tell you, God calls things that are not as though they are. He said "light be" and there was light. It doesn't matter that light did not exist, so far as God said it and saw it, then all elements must conform. All you need is to have an unwaivering faith and see what God sees that there's a way and He will call it forth shaparly! Actually big bro and big sis, aburo in the Lord, if you haven't read it before lemme do the honors of breaking the news IF YOU DON'T HAVE JESUS, THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO WAY FOR YOU.

My advise is to give your life to Christ and I assure you, you will be constructing roads with the help of the Holy Spirit better than CCECC & Julius Berger.

Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen.


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