
Hi guys, happy new week. So I've been stuck on a movie (am I vain because of that?), which has taught me so much more than what I had learnt from a year of schooling and studying books. Seriously now I know a lot about medicine and criminal investigation. Well that's not what I came here to type about, today I'll be typing on something I brooded on in church (I have to confess I'm sometimes no focused).

Genesis 22:2 Amplified Bible (AMP)
God said, “Take now your son, your only son [of [a]promise], whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of [b]Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”

Okay so I know we all have a general idea of what this scenario above was about. It's around the fact that God was testing the obedience and faith of Abraham (yeah I get that one). But I implore you to view it from my perspective, the perspective of God moving Abraham away from home, remember he didn't inform Sarah about the request for the sacrifice. 

Now, I sincerely think God was trying to test Abraham's independence and full reliance on Him (God). Hear me out, Abraham started a sequence of lies by lying about who Sarah was to him in Egypt, then Sarah convinced Abraham to sleep with her maid so she can claim the child, then still this same Sarah convinced Abraham to send the maid and her son packing (women can be an handful, I know).

So I figured that God knew Abraham's biggest weakness was Sarah and God wanted to get Abraham as far away from Sarah as possible (as far as a three days journey), God knew the strength of Abraham's faith but I feel He was testing Abraham's decision making resolves, I think God didn't want an occasion of story that touches since He had seen it happen before (in Adam's case of course). 

So he gave Abraham the freedom of making a unilateral decision. Sarah in the long and short was Abraham's weakness, there is a need for every believer to find out what their weakness is and get rid of it. Anger was Moses', public opinion was Aaron's, women were David's and Solomon's, covetousness was Judas', Gehazi's and Demas', sleep was for the virgins. A weakness not checked and eliminated could be the one thing that makes you lose your Christian race.

Gracias mi amigos!
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen.


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