
I know I wrote a few days ago about not having a back-up plan. Now even in the midst of that, we all still need to have a back up plan. Like when you've prayed and fasted and the results are not forthcoming, you need a back-up plan, even after using your back-up which probably is praise and worship and it yields no answers then you need a fall back on plan.

Yeah, I know I typed not having any other side whatever but sometimes the above takes a lot of time and waiting might be detrimental, so I have a suggestion for a suitable back-up plan which is when you've prayed and fasted and there are no results pray more, pray based on the Word, pray according to His will and when even praise isn't productive praise the more, praise with a seed, praise without expectation, praise because you dunno any other way.

Oh wait! You were expecting me to give you the address of  one side babalawo shey? Well the only details I have are below:

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Actually I've never known God to fail, so no matter what He's my back-up plan, everything listed above have never failed, it could seem like it's taking a lot of time but God knows the time your blowing will make an impact. Just like these memoirs, when I started God told me it will be widely read, is it widely read yet? No, do I feel fly all the time? No. However, I know that 

Isiah 55:11
 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

So I don't have any other address, I don't need anyone showing me the way because He told me "He's the Way", I don't need anyone giving me directions on climbing the mountain, He told me "if I have faith as small as a mustard seed, I can ask a mountain to move and it will", so why bother with a side anything, when the main dish is filled up with all my heart desires and more.

Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen.


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