Pros and Cons

Hi guys, so basically I've been having issues with the site which has derailed me from posting for a while, I hope that it is fully resolved and you can enjoy your blog experience.

So I was reading through my Bible study, I missed some days because YouVersion kept having difficulty loading my Study Plan. Anyways, I'm catching up, however, I went through the whole Deuteronomy where Unku Moses was giving us his last will and testament and I got to Deut 28, I'm so conversant with this chapter of the Bible that I decided to breeze through it, well whilst I was doing that, I got an inclination to slow down and read it slowly with fresh eyes. It was like 'forget what you know about it and read it, study well'.

Normally, in Bible study, questions arise and a lot arose in my head. God offered us rules and said to obey, now for every choice there are pros and cons. For you to decide on something the pros must always outweigh the cons. So Deut 28 highlights the pros and cons of obedience. I noticed that the pros (that is the blessings of obedience) were all wrapped up (summarized) in 15 verses and when the cons (the curses of disobedience) were to be highlighted, upon all the summarization that Unku Moses did, the curses were in 52 verses, in my mind I was like epe yii po ontop say someone just disobey.

In the Deut 28 analogy, there is nothing like pros outweighing the cons because the cons outweigh the pros, however, the key is to sit down and understand how just 15 verses encapsulates your entire life. There's something called 'reading between the lines' and that's what God requires of you. Obey Him and then read between the lines, God doesn't like talking too much, he created you with a functioning brain and so He expects you to use it well.

The Bible gives a lot of vague words that reading between the lines ( which is best interpreted as staying under the brooding of the Spirit) will be required. For example, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added, the basic thing is Obey first and see all other thing that your heart can concoct and even the one it can't concoct will concur. King Solo applied that approach when He asked God for just wisdom, God being the author of the principle, recognized an obedient child and just made the rest follow him.

Obedience is key, if you've been disobeying God goan scare your flesh with a bit of Deut 28, and I know the phrase for all have sinned, yet that doesn't mean you should be found guilty of the same offence every time with no show of remorse or soberness.

Hearing from God is key, obeying what you've heard is keyest.
Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen.


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