Applying Physics

Hola amigos! Como ha sido tu día? Yeah I'm trying to refresh my Spanish prowess, so bear with me please. So I'm no longer stuck on the movie probably because I realized yesterday that I was stuck on it. Moving on to better things.

Today I want to talk about one of the laws of Isaac Newton (respect baba), and its the third one. I'm paraphrasing so science students go easy on me. It states that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". I'm sure this man was not looking at it from the angle where Jesus said 'if your brother asks for your jacket, remove all your clothes and dash him and if he slaps you on one cheek, suggest he slap the other cheek so everything can be balanced'. (Twas something in those lines sha), anyways in my own area of discussion today I've propounded my own, laws of Icequeen which states that "in the aspect of giving, for every action there is a greater multiplied reaction". Lemme give you an instance:

Proverbs 22:8 New International Version (NIV)Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.

Now English people, shebi you know that the opposite of injustice cannot be calamity, another proof is where the Bible says "if you sow the wind you will reap the whirlwind". So also Hosea 10:12; "Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap unfailing love." Now as much as I'm trying to apply Physics I still can't figure out how God calculates His own measure. In Job's story the summary was 'the latter end of Job was better than the beginning', now if you read the story the guy had double of his starting properties at the end. Similar thing with Fada Abraham, baba went out with a few people in Genesis 12 and by Genesis 14, he already had an army (someone that is in no way related to the Lannisters or Stark). He already had an army. 

Reminds me of Lot (he's not my family member so no Bro in front of his name), the guy followed our Fada oh, prospered because of Abraham and yet he was still fighting the man, now his action was fighting Fada Abraham, the reaction from my Fada was "oya Lot survey the land, choose what you want". Shebi any responsible child will say "no sir, you choose first" but no oh Lot chose the greenest pastures and then it turned out it was Sodom and Gomorrah (I was like ntorr! omo onibaje). Anyways, at the end the green pasture became his worst nightmare, probably this is where Isaac Newton read in the Bible that he na came up with the third law. At the end of the day because of Lot's insolence he lost his wife and properties and became the honorable Father and Originator of Incest.

Thanku for reading, cos this is really long. In summary, watch your actions to situations, to people and to giving because you can't predict the reaction and even if you try what you do on NairaBet know that its a probability and also remember that you've lost more bets than you've won.

Gracias once again!

Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen.


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