Death Day

Hi guys, so what I'm gonna be speaking or typing about is something most of us don't usually think about. A popular musician once said in one of his songs that 'nobody wants to die but we all want to go to heaven'. As much as that is just a song, its also the truth, I've heard people ask questions like "what scares you the most?" and most times (I mean like 80%) reply with "death". Now, I'm always wondering, everything in this life isn't certain, like you can't guarantee anything anything, because everything is subject to change.
However, join me to think on this, the only thing that doesn't change is the fact that death is coming for us all. I mean the physical death oh, before some people will start saying God forbid and be binding me upandan. Death is the most certain thing in our lives, its the only constant and here's what the Bible says about it:
Ecclesiastes 7:4 The Message (MSG)Sages invest themselves in hurt and grieving. Fools waste their lives in fun and games
Hollup, sages means individuals that are even wiser than ordinary people, they have sense. They think more rationally than your normal John or Jane. I know of people that don't even reflect when someone dies, but the Bible says wise people invest themselves in hurt and grieving, they don't dwell in pain or crying around oh but they think of the impact they've made so far in their lives. They think of if they were to die at that present moment what would be their legacy, can their footsteps even be seen in the sands of time. I think when we hear of someone's death its not the time to be thinking of aso-ebi or how many cows to kill for the party, its a time to reflect on our lives.
I dunno what y'all think but why be scared of something you have no control over, the inevitable, why not pick a new fear, something that you can actually control, you can't stop death nor avoid it but you can stop and avoid yourself from going to hell. Think about it. Blessed are those that think about their death days than their birthdays.
Gracias and God bless.Memoirs of a Christian.© Icequeen.



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