
Good evening guys, it's the weekend and it's time to relax and breath for ten seconds before Monday will coman take over again 

Ephesians 4:26-27
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.

If there's a reason why I love Bro Paul, it will be because of his good play of words. Yesterday I woke up in a very lousy mood, so I had a sour countenance and was very angry for the most part of the day. Whilst in my anger I didn't really speak to anyone, I kept by myself yet I sinned, because in my process of venting I said stuff I wasn't supposed to say. 

Firstly, it is because you gave place to the devil that you could be angry, if you don't allow the devil to minister anger to you, then you won't have any reason to be angry. Paul went further to say, be angry but sin not, and I know we all know that's impossible. Even if you now manage to not sin, you will surely dwell on it till the next day, because you would have been brewing and chewing on the anger. 

In essence, Apostle Paul was indirectly advising against getting angry at all, he knew the implications and impossibilities involved in the conditions he set. It's not just about not sinning, it's also about your mental health. When we breed too much anger, it develops into hatred and the hatred is what birth the evils we now see.

If you must be angry, be angry about the number of people going to hell and vent in long prayer sessions asking God to save their souls.

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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