Creative Works

Hi guys, beyond all doubt God is good and we trust His plans for us.

“And there are [distinctive] ways of working [to accomplish things], but it is the same God who produces all things in all believers [inspiring, energizing, and empowering them].”

We all have our methods in making things work. We have opinions and ideas as to how things are supposed to be achieved, but it is just one God that produces everything that we possess . God produced the opinions and ideas in us. He inspires us in achieving our goals and all we have set out to do. 

Many of us rest assuredly know that our creativity is not abinibi or our ability but God's ability that works in us to birth colorful stuffs. Take this example, have you ever wondered where Adam got the sense to name all the animals, how he was able to come up with the General name 'bird' and then give individual names to the species.

He energizes and empowers, that's why Paul could say  even though he was tempted beyond his strength yet he overcame. Not he that overcame but Christ that has made him more than a conqueror.

Therefore, let no man boast of anything he has achieved in Christ but instead let him gratefully boast in Christ.

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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