Sensitive or Sensual?

Good day guys, how were the holidays? The prekend  is here, brace yourself.

“And they, [the ungodly in their spiritual apathy], having become callous and unfeeling, have given themselves over [as prey] to unbridled sensuality, eagerly craving the practice of every kind of impurity [that their desires may demand].”

NIV says they've lost all sensitivity and given into sensuality. So they stopped heeding to the Spirit, they stopped taking note of those nudges that the Holy Spirit was giving them and fully immersed themselves and indulged themselves in the emotions and feelings of the flesh.

They've become uncallous and wicked, always conscious of 'self'. The unfeeling here is best explained by what our government does, steal money without apologies. These guys now go ahead to enthusiastically await opportunities  to be professional practitioners of impure acts and desires. 

Let us however, eagerly await opportunities to be professional practitioners of all that is good, pure, godly and holy .

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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