Learn From That Example

Oh dear Lord, forgive me for my inconsistency. A lot has been going on.

1 Kings 19:3
And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.

So this verse is talking about Elijah, when he felt threatened by Jezebel, he ran away for his life. However, that's not my focus, my focus is on that his servant that he left there. The guy had a servant and must have asked him to 'tarry ye here, o servant ' that sorta dialogue.

2 Kings 2:4
And Elijah said unto him, Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee; for the Lord hath sent me to Jericho. And he said, As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho.

So Elijah wanted to go away and he did his usual 'tarry here' instruction and  Elisha who must have heard of what happened with the first servant that was forgotten in his tarrying state, made the decision to follow to the end. He kept saying 'Oga Elijah, you will never walk alone'.

A lot of us disdain the examples that are set for us, many of us say 'it can't happen to me', please never say never oh. Examples are given so you can follow it or study it and get your own right. Stop all these 'we are different ' claim or 'I'm in the grace dispensation'. 

Let's learn to learn from examples .
Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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