Self-Conceited Judges

Happy new week guys, I feel that greeting is getting old. Don't worry I'm thinking of ways to spice up my opening speech.

Matthew 7:1 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge], so that you will not be judged [unfairly]. 

Permit me to give this definition of our modern day christianity.  Christianity is defined as a group of people in the same line of belief that judge the actions of everyone in the church, around the church and outside the church but justify their own actions. Now, Jesus here wasn't saying we couldn't judge each other oh, but judgment as we can see in the verse above in a self conceited manner. It's like this, because you have no problem with controlling your appetite doesn't mean you should talk down on someone that has issues with stress eating, calling such a person a glutton or undisciplined just means you set the standard of your judgement on yourself and not on Christ.

I can't stress this enough, a lot of us are so concerned about the sins of others and the fact that they are dancing into hell whereas we fail to see that we ourselves are ushering them in. The Bible says; "work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling". Not the salvation of others, and before you raise an arguement lemme remind you of our job; "go ye into the world and preach the gospel to all creature", going further lemme explain that 'go ye', Paul said "Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gives the increase" and then "it is God that gives us the power both to will and to do". I think I've done a lot of Bible quoting but I need to vent about this high exalted seat we've made for ourselves as judges.

I know I've typed in a lot of stuff today and I might be on this for some time but I think the devil is using the judgemental sword to steal away our salvation. He's helped us to be able to justify our reasons for judging people, he's given us Bible Scriptures to back it up and we ate it up like hungry people. Stop the judging, instead judge yourself, the way you sit down and focus your energy in dissecting, analysing and judging other people's action, in much more measure do the same about your actions so that God can justify you.
Gracias for reading this, however long.

Memoirs of a Christian.
©️ Icequeen.


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