No Entitlement

Hello guys, I really contemplated posting anything today because yesterday I got a wave of bad news (when I say wave, I mean gbas gbos), it kind of weakened me but then not posting would make me a hypocrite (remember Lot’s wife?). I couldn’t have asked people to let go without first doing the same. 

Anyways, so during the lockdown I got upset with someone that I respect very much, and it was because I felt entitled to some information or details that they didn’t want me privy of. I kept holding on to a grudge of my own making (it was happening all in my head). In fact I called the accused ðŸ¤£ and threw my allegations, later sha, I stopped holding the grudge cos there were more serious stuffs to ponder on in life. 

“And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I came across this verse, and I love the fact that the Bible didn’t add any specificities (so that I can add mine ðŸ˜›). Do unto all men what you want them to do to you, without expecting them to actually do so. Jesus was really compassionate and gentle with everyone, even though He knew they weren’t going to treat Him with the same coin. Even after being crucified and persecuted, He still asked God to forgive them because they were being ignorant. Not once did Jesus feel entitled, even when He healed people, He always asked them to not tell anyone.

Do the good that God sent you without expecting anything in return, I know that no one likes to fetch water in a basket but remember the verse that says “when you give to those in need, you’re lending to God and He doesn’t owe a debt” (I paraphrased). Just treat people the way you would like to be treated, if you’re not treated that way don’t bother (see it as a civic responsibility), understand that God treats you more than you expect or deserve to be treated. 

You guys don’t want me to tell you songs I stumbled on, anyways, I’ll still recommend this particular song. ‘People’ by Jonathan McReynolds. It has a whole depth of meaning and is also a prayer. Okay, lemme leave now. Ciao!

Memoirs of a Christian 



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