No Slacking 2

Hi guys, so I was kinda shocked today but lemme reserve my comments. That reminds me, please click the link below to download Swad's new single "Look At Me" . Thanks and God bless.

2 Peter 3:9 Amplified Bible (AMP) The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

KJV says God is not slack concerning His promises as we count slackness. So lemme not focus on we wanting something from God, but lemme deviate to this point. That we've been hearing that Jesus is coming soon and some of us are claiming that they've been saying that since before we were born doesn't discredit the Truth that Jesus is coming.God doesn't delay, He has promised that us that Christ is coming to take us home and that He will do, the promise of the second coming will surely come to pass. 

However, God loves us and still wants to give us a chance to come to Him, He really doesn't want us to perish, He's patiently waiting till when an angel will slap us back to our senses and we will discover that He's died, risen and coming back for us to reign with Him. The version above says that God is extraordinarily patient, like that adjective to the word 'patient' is just amazing and that's what God is showing us. An extraordinary patience. I will implore us all to not count slackness and quickly turn to God for relief.

Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen.


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