Free Indeed

Hey guys, how was the day? Hope y'all are doing great?

John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

So I learnt something today that I think is important. To be free indeed isn't just about being free but it's about being free in deeds too. I mean your behavior becomes a reflection of your freedom. Some of us are free in the sense of the word but our acts and mindset do not show forth our freedom.

I've heard Christians say 'I can't pack the rubbish you swept, cos it's a bad omen ', I've heard others say 'don't sit on this, or you'll be barren'. Some of us don't act the freedom part and others overact the freedom part. I'd like us to know our freedom but also understand that it shouldn't be taken for granted. Don't Goan say Icequeen said you should behave the part then you will now be behaving like a bastard oh. 

Recognize your freedom and by yourself create your limitations within your freedom. A free person knows the rules and regulations and lives by it. He lives by it not because he doesn't know he's free but because he knows that to whom much is given much more is expected.

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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