2019..... Bye!

Good day guys and compliments of the season. So I've been off for a while but I just wanted to share for the last time this year, I don't know if I told you but I in a small way celebrated having over a year's worth of memoirs. I fully understand the impact of these memoirs even in my life, so here's an apology for not being faithful. If you're on my WhatsApp list you must have seen some of this, but I don't like long story on my status. However, I can be here and do how I like. My 2019 like some of you know has been something else, there were highs and lows, I don't know which was more. I dealt with slight depression, I laughed, I cried and I prayed. I also ticked off some plans that I accomplished. However, my take home lesson for 2020 is that; make meaningful friends, stop all these hi and bye friends, I have a feeling 2020 will be a serious year and God will be focusing on serious minded people. Please get serious minded and driven friends, the ...