360 Degrees Glory

Hi guys, so today I’m still having this writer’s block, I’m not really understanding as it is doing me, anyways something has to be posted.

2 Corinthians 3:18 Amplified Bible (AMP)
And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.

And we all, with an open face, that is there will be no secrets, no boundaries or barriers, will see the glory of God continuously like someone that is looking into the mirror. The fact that we will be able to see the mirror of God is a big deal because, remember our Brother Moses, couldn’t see it really. Even after not seeing it the Israelites couldn’t still stand the brightness of his face from His encounter on the mountain.

Then we realize we are progressively, that is it is a gradual process, not something that happens at once, it has stages, we go from one degree to another (hearing about the glory, seeing the glory, living in the glory, swimming in the glory and then just being like Christ in glory.) Now note I don’t mean that God will share His glory with you, but you’ll be able to experience the glory first hand.

What cracks me up is that, some of us think we’ve known or seen enough of God, some of us feel like we know the extent of His glory but here Amp says there’s ‘even more’ of it, OMG and we know it comes from God. I get why Tasha Cobbs said she’ll do anything for His Glory.

I guess we understand the end part of this verse, you cant experience any degree of glory if you aren’t in sync with the Holy Spirit. The Glory is first pioneered and experienced from the Holy Spirit, I guess that’s why a lotta people cry when communing with Him.
Writer’s block or no writer’s block His glory will manifest.
Happy birthday to my Spiritual Father, God bless you real big sir.

Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen.


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