No complacency

Hi guys, it’s the Easter week oh, let’s be happy . Alright, we can analyze together:

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor [it never hurts anyone]. Therefore [unselfish] love is the fulfillment of the Law. Do this, knowing that this is a critical time. It is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep [of spiritual complacency]; for our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed [in Christ].”
‭‭ROMANS‬ ‭13:10-11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Love does no wrong to a neighbor, the reason why the world is like this today is because we all lack love. Love has and always will be an integral part of our lives, society and economy. In order to fulfill all laws, we need love more than anything.

And we all know that these are critical times, the days are evil and getting more evil everyday. It’s time to wake up from our comfortable slumber, let’s wake up from our spiritual complacency. We don’t care because it’s not really happening to us or in our neighboring environs

Our salvation is here and now oh, this is not the time for the first love to be waxing cold, it’s the time for it to become an inferno. Fire really cleanses, I believe so let’s use the fire in our hearts and in our bones to cleanse the world.
Memoirs of a Christian.
© Icequeen


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