
Hey people, it seems like ages since I last posted, well anyways lemme just share what is there today:

“For who regards you as superior or what sets you apart as special? What do you have that you did not receive [from another]? And if in fact you received it [from God or someone else], why do you boast as if you had not received it [but had gained it by yourself]? [You behave as if] you are already filled [with spiritual wisdom and in need of nothing more]. Already you have become rich [in spiritual gifts]! You [in your conceit] have ascended your thrones and become kings without us; and how I wish [that it were true and] that you did reign as kings, so that we might reign with you.”
‭‭1 CORINTHIANS‬ ‭4:7-8‬ ‭AMP‬‬

A lot of us carry our shoulders up in the line of ministry, we get puffed up and we even justify our pride with a verse of the scriptures that “we are boasting in Christ”. Some of us in our Christian races behave like there’s no one but us, of course you labored to get those gifts but you know what it is, it’s a gift meaning you were given. Stop making a show of it like you brought it from heaven.

I always laugh when some people will say “if i should lay my hands on you, everything will be fine” I’ll be like if God doesn’t back up your laying of hands, you just wasted time and energy.

The way some people get powered off and just sit on thrones and make a show of their gifts is pretty intimidating and annoying. In a way we’ve become show masters who have been able to mislead the new believers to believe what Christ isn’t. Never for once did Jesus go about hailing Himself, He’d heal and ask them to not speak about it, yet we want the whole world to applaud us for one miracle (hold on I don’t mean you can’t publicize these stuff but is it glorifying God or it’s just good PR for you?).

Well like Apostle Paul said, how we all wish it were true and you guys were really kings and that heaven recognizes you.
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen.


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