Directing Instructions 2

Hi fellaz, how did the day go? Oh sorry, gurifin forgive my lack of manners. So yesterday I wrote on instructions that bear directions and I came across this verse and I’ll like to share:

“As they journeyed, there was a great [supernatural] terror [sent from God] on the cities around them, and [for that reason] the Canaanites did not pursue the sons of Jacob.”
‭‭GENESIS‬ ‭35:5‬ ‭AMP‬‬

So many of us when we get that instruction we just start shaking in our boots, we are scared of our village witches that are watching us on black and white tv . So Uncle Jacob just had mouth but couldn’t fight so even after Esau said he had forgiven him, he still went the opposite way then God asked him to go back.

When you get that directing instruction be rest assured that the Instructor has you covered, He will either cause your enemies to be at peace with you or He will give them an expensive assignment that will cause them to not even have your time.

Your duty is to obey and take the step, He will make everything work out for you, the whole ‘He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies ‘ scenario will be in play.
Trust Him and make the move

Remain blessed peeps.
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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