
Good day guys and happy weekend, how was service today? Hope we had fun? From here:

“Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with respect for authority, and with a sincere heart [seeking to please them], as [service] to Christ— not in the way of eye-service [working only when someone is watching you and only] to please men, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart;”
‭‭EPHESIANS‬ ‭6:5-6‬ ‭AMP‬‬

This verse says as slaves (who have been bought with a price, of which all of us have been bought) we are to obey they that have rule over us, having and showing respect to the authority of God in them and with a sincere heart. So your service must be from your heart, whether palatable or unpalatable seeking to please them understanding that your service is to God.

Not just working when there’s someone to see or applaud our works, but working with the understanding that you have been bought with a price, and therefore you are to be devoted (both bodily devotion and heart devotion), doing the will of God with the whole of your heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion but with joy and reverence.

Have a great weekend guys
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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