Warring 2

Happy Sunday guys, how’s it going guys? So sorry about the message yesterday, I had sent it on Friday but it didn’t deliver till Saturday morning.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.”

For our struggle (for those of you that say I have no struggle shebi you can see), is not against people we can see, not that our neighbor or boss that keeps giving you hassles but it’s against the rulers of darkness, against the powers that control darkness (and I don’t mean NEPA oh). There was a valuable lesson I learnt one time ago, someone did something very wrong and in my usual nature I became the upset lawyer. The offended didn’t even bat an eyelid and just calmed me down , when I asked why he wasn’t annoyed he explained that ‘it wasn’t in the nature of that person to act that way, so instead of exchanging words, he’ll just pray against the power controlling such person’ That day ehn I was shook.

I’ve observed that there’s nothing Christians can’t control if they put their minds to it. The country isn’t going well? Go into your war room and start fixing things. Elijah controlled almost everything including the weather, Daniel also had to be consulted every time. For every man alive a spirit possesses him, that’s why some people would say after an offense ‘forgive me I don’t know what possessed me to do that’.

Majorly what we use our war rooms for is to fix our own lives but I read somewhere that ‘when you are the only one benefiting from your prayers then there’s something wrong with your prayers’. It’s high time we understood the concept of our war rooms and our position in the lives of others. In the war room you should be fighting for King and Country.

Happy new week, may this week be splendid for us all.
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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