
Hey guys, it’s almost the weekend and the end of the month, so today is last Friday, some people can understand the excitement.

Romans 12:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;

I wonder why we don’t consider ‘honor’ as much as we should, knowing fully well that it’s a big deal to God. Honor means to regard in high esteem, or having great respect for someone. So a few weeks ago some people were bashing a Pastor accusing him of being sexist. So the feminists were dragging him on social media, when actually the Pastor had previously dragged even the men for promiscuity. My own issue is nowadays people have lost regard for each other, especially the brethren.

The Bible talked about false Prophets and stuff and I remember that the instruction was to stay away. Why then, have we turned it to our civic duty to be calling out men of God. These people were called by God, if what they say doesn’t appeal to your senses, stop listening and move on. Nowadays sef we see young ministers disdain the anointing of our older ministers because their own level of Rhema is deeper.

A man that lacks honor, is a lost cause. The High Priest Ananias, was really not right and that was why Paul got annoyed and spoke against him, but once he (Paul) realized who Ananias was, Paul retracted his statement immediately. Honor is everything in the Kingdom. Jesus honored everyone, His disciples, the Government even the fake Pharisees and Sadducees. So Mr Young Minister, you can never replace the study of many years that your fathers have passed through, or the trials of faith that they have had to pass with Rhema. Rhema is essential, but God was first the God of Abraham before He was the God of Jacob.

Speaking in honorifics is not the same thing as honoring someone. Get it right!
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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