Knowing Your Place

Hi guys, it's a new week, so happy new week. April held a lot of expectations for most of us, I hope your expectations were met? If it wasn't I hope you're still holding onto God?

2 Samuel 6:6-7
And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.

So every time I see this verse, I'm like but Uzzah didn't do anything bad na, na help he wan help. Yet I've come to learn that two things had been the question. The first one being, Was he trying to help God? Now from that point of view we could say, that was an insolent and arrogant act, how can you think God can't do it by Himself. We could also say, what was his heart's motive?

The second one being, was it his place? He wasn't in the tribe of those anointed by God to handle ark matters. Since we don't know his motive then we can say he wasn't in his place. Now God is very principled, He regards hierarchy a lot, though He is no respecter of persons yet He'd like everyone to know their place. So the act of Uzzah was correct but his place was the error. 

God won't change His values because you did something right but you were in the wrong position or in the wrong place. Know your place. Let's analyze, Mariam, the sister of Moses was right when she said Moses married an unbeliever but it wasn't her place to scold Moses. Someone else was the servant that boasted to David that he killed Saul, it wasn't his place (even though he lied). 

Understand this your motive may be right, your place however, could be totally wrong. The Israelites asked for a king because the children of Samuel were doing wrong, now their motive was right but it wasn't their place. Respect your position and stay in it, don't overstep your boundary especially in the things of God. Paul scolding the High Priest was for the right reason but when he found out who it was he was referring to he apologized as he realized it wasn't his place.

Please let's know our place. God bless you 
Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen.


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