Committed 3?

Oh hi guys, hope you are enjoying the weekend, I'm still open for people that want to take me out. So today I wish I could copy

a whole chapter and just type but I can't so I'll drop this verse;

2 Kings 2:10-11
And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

So I love this guy called Elisha, I'm doing a bit of thorough study on some Bible characters. So Elisha was one guy that showed us what commitment stands for, right from the time the mantle was placed on him, he never wavered, the guy was an OBO yet he left it all, he was doing a lot of mundane jobs for Elijah. He was absolutely committed to serving his master even at the point of Elijah's departure he stayed. 

He was so determined to serve Elijah to the end, he was never distracted, he was never murmuring, he just kept at it. Now I want us to realize that even Elijah said 'it's enough coman be going ' yet Elisha was adamant. Even after asking for what he wanted, Elijah employed a distraction strategy because from the time of the journey they never spoke whilst walking but after Elisha's request, Elijah thought to distract him so he would be carried away by the convo and not see him (Elijah) leave.

Still, this Elisha was persistent in his service, he just wouldn't allow himself to defer from his service. Let's also get this, Elisha never followed Elijah so he could make a request, he didn't even envisage that Elijah would ask him for anything. He followed because he was committed to the love he had for his master, even the after reaction when his master was taken shows us how committed he was to that love. 

I would love to type more but lemme stop here. Thanks guys and God bless. Enjoy the holidays still.

Memoirs of a Christian 

© Icequeen 


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