Why?, Why Not?

Hey guys it’s the weekend, time flies when you asre always busy and stuck in traffic, but we won’t stop:

John 21:17 King James Version (KJV)
He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

If you’re conversant with this chapter of the Bible we know what happened, Bro Peter the talkative denied Christ, asked for forgiveness, saw the resurrected Jesus and still went back to his fishing (not of men). Now, in realism if such person was a friend or colleague of mine I will conclude that such a person is very unserious. I’ll just be like “Peter, shey you are sure you know what you wanna do with your life sha?” So I guess Jesus asked him the “Do you love me” question thrice because He wanted to make sure that he (Peter) was sure about it.

Peter denied Jesus thrice so his affirmation for allegiance had to be thrice. Thrice he turned away from Christ and thrice He needed to confess his love for the master, many of us are like that. Remember how many times you betrayed Christ? Remember how many times you doubted Him and forgot His promises to you? Then when your faith is tested you ask God “why me”, why not you exactly? Have you ever wondered if all those times you messed up Jesus was asking “son, why?”. So because God is All loving and All forgiving, you should now be given a break from the trials of your faith. Nah, that’s what makes you your Father’s son.

Peter felt really bad when Jesus asked him the third time, he was grieved but he knew he had to go through it and give an answer, so what’s your answer to Him. Do you love Him?
Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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