
Good evening guys, hope we all had a great day? Thanks a lot for all your feedback, God bless you.

Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

To form an opinion and strong belief in your mind you need to have first heard something, somewhere and from someone. The Bible tells us that for you to have faith you need to have heard something and that that something must be the Word of God.

Now the deal is what exactly are you listening to? If all you’ve been listening to is that God is the Lion of Judah and a consuming fire ready to devour a sinner, then you probably won’t want to believe He’s also a Merciful God. I’ve attended some denominations where God’s Word is filtered and sometimes you end up leaving that place more confused than you were when you got in.

You know why some people believe in declarations? It’s because they feel that things just act up in accordance to your said words. You can’t just be thinking ‘I’m gonna be wealthy in life’, you still need to say it out for all natural elements to hear and conform. Most times, what we hear ourself say is what we believe. Your faith build up is like that, when you hear God’s word (unfiltered and undiluted) the Word starts to make sense to you, your faith grows as your hearing grows.

You and I can grow to a level where the Word becomes tangible and then it becomes the very pinnacle of our lives. Be careful of what you hear because your brain operates with what it hears.
Listen to the right stuff (Word of God)! Grow your faith! Grow your relationship!

Memoirs of a Christian
© Icequeen


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